NSW Windfoil & Wingfoil
Organised by Windsurfing NSW
The Windsurfing NSW crew has been busy over winter planning a VERY exciting season of sailing for 2023/24 weather you ride a fin, foil, wing, formula foil or iQ. If you are a regular racer, or are just curious about competing, and learning how to improve your skills faster, we encourage you to get in touch, and attend at least one of these events!
Racing is a great way to improve your skills, watch and learn from other riders, and meet up with like-minded people. Racing is being supported out of 4 clubs around Sydney and Lake Macquarie this season with a full calendar of events catering for social riders all the way up to Olympic qualification events!
This year we have a number of 1, 2, and 3 day events across greater Sydney and Lake Macquarie and even a 5 day iQ Olympic qualifying event on Botany Bay. We have the following events, some for Fin or Foil Slalom/GPS, some for Formula Foil (including iQ), and at almost all these events we welcome Wind Wings! There is also an exciting confirmation from Georges River Sailing Club (GRSC) for a new home base for all forms of foil racing in South Sydney, on Botany Bay ahead of the Nationals! We are also running two “Foil Expo’s” to highlight all forms of wind/wing foiling to curious people across Sydney.
Sailing Clubs supporting Slalom, Formula Foil and Wind Wing racing
Botany Bay based foiling will now be supported from GRSC, just south of Doll’s Point at the mouth of Georges River. GRSC will be offering races for novices to experienced sailors weekly, with some races out on Botany Bay or the river based on weather while there is also the potential to run short course races or slalom on other weekends. If you want to get involved in the regular club racing or attend the season opener on Sunday 10th of September 2pm fun race and social dinner, then please let me know! https://www.grsc.org.au/home/
Woollarha Sailing Club has been running some Sunday races for windwings over winter out from on Rose Bay this winter with potential for more this summer. Get in touch with the club to find out more. WSC will also host a round of formula foil racing under the state calendar. https://www.woollahrasailingclub.org.au/
Bayview Yacht Racing Association will offer some foil races on Pitt Water this season. BYRA will also host a foil expo and a round of formula foil racing under the state calendar. https://byra.com.au/home/
Marmong Point Sailing Club has a long history of supporting weekend racing on Lake Macquarie, open to all sailors regardless of equipment. The club is also supporting various state rounds as detailed below. https://marmongpointsc.square.site/
Foil Expo’s x 4
We have organised two weekends to promote all types of foiling to the community.
23 September at Kurnell Cat Club – Kiteboarding Australia is running a season opener and gear demo.
7-8 October on Botany Bay at Georges River Sailing Club (GRSC) 2 day foil expo with the potential for demo, lessons and discount one day race entry. We will have overflow parking available on the grassed area behind the club on McMillan Ave.
TBA at Bayview Yacht Racing Association (BYRA) Pittwater will be running a 2 day foil expo with the potential for demo, lessons and discount one day race entry.
Lake Macquarie will also have a foil demo day, with event details to follow.
5x NSW Fin/Foil/Slalom/GPS/WindWing events for the NSW State Slalom/GPS Series
21 & 22/Oct GPS/Slalom round @ Nelson Bay 2 day weekend slalom races
11 or 12/Nov GPS/Slalom best day @ Lake Macquarie
1 to 3/Dec NSW State Slalom Championships @ Myall Lakes 3 day Regatta
16 or 17/Dec GPS/Slalom best day @ Lake Macquarie
6 or 7/Jan 2024 GPS/Slalom best day @ Lake Macquarie
5x NSW Formula Foil, Free Foil, iQ and WindWing state regattas/events:
7 & 8/Oct @ GRSC (2 day regatta!) + Foil Expo on Botany Bay
14 or 15/Oct @ WSC (Sun, Option Sat) on Rose Bay
28 or 29/Oct @ BYRC (Sun, Option Sat) + Foil Expo on Pitt Water
4 or 5/Nov @ MPSC (Sun, Option Sat) on Lake Macquarie
TBA (2024) @ BYRC (Sun, Option Sat) + Foil Expo on Pitt Water (RESCHEDULED EVENT)
28/Jan 2024 Aus Day weekend Sunday Season Finale – NSW State Formula Foil championship round at GRSC
National Championships, Oceanic Championships, Olympic Qualifier Regattas for FF/iQ/Wing/Kite at Sail Sydney:
This year we have the amazing opportunity of running the Olympic iQ and Kite Qualifying events on Botany Bay
11-15/Dec 5 days Sail Sydney Olympic Qualifying Oceanics for iQ and Kites (prior weekend for equipment registration)
Youth WindFoil iQ and WindWing Camp
30/Sept – 2/Oct Australian Sailing is running an event on Lake Macquarie for the Youth Sail NSW
This event includes a 3 day clinic and the NSW Youth Champs. All U23 Wind and Wing foils are welcome. https://www.sailingyouth.org.au/nsw-championship/
Remember the 3rd party insurance expired on 31/August so you need to join a club to renew your cover. Most of the club races can offer a cheap 1 day alternative to let you see what all the excitement is about before you commit to a full year. So have a go!
The Windsurfing NSW Committee hope you have a great season on the water!
There is a Google Calendar you can link to here www.windsurfingnsw.com/calendar/. (Click the +Google link at the bottom of the calendar). Details below.
Berowne Hlavaty : berowne dot hlavaty at gmail.com
Murray Towndrow : murray_towndrow at hotmail.com